
May 2, 2011

BOOM! Headshot.

I was inspired to write this post after reading an exceptionally dumb article in the Huffington Post, wherein the author tries to point out the indecency of celebrating Bin Laden's death, as so many Americans have done over the past 24 hours. She believes in the sanctity of all life and so rejoicing at the demise of another human being, even one as worthless as Bin Laden, is morally wrong.

I disagree. Bin Laden was a bastard who did not hold the lives of others to be sacred. He killed lots of people directly and even more indirectly. I think this means he should be exempt from the same standards. I myself do not hold all life to be sacred and in turn do not expect my own life to be considered so. The author proposes that instead of reveling in his death, we should mourn the terrible acts we committed and the need to have to kill him at all. I think we've had enough mourning. Why not have people feel better about their lives by dancing on the imaginary grave of modern history's greatest douchebag?

The worst part though was when the author tried to seem reasonable by saying how it was understandable for families of 9/11 victims to want some closure and that this might make them smile, but that his death still doesn't warrant outright celebration. To start, I don't think you can "understand" having a loved one killed for no reason by a person they've never met, but who nonetheless claims to hate them and then watch that person gloat about it on TV. I think at that point, seeing the murder get purposefully killed because of what he did to your loved one brings feelings beyond description. The author just needs to admit that she will never know their pain and that the lack of personal tragedy is what allows her to see this situation as she does.

She ends her peice with the claim that the world is not safer in the absence of Bin Laden. That is also dumb. He was a very smart man who had lots of money, contacts, and charisma and he used all of these assets in the pursuit of more American deaths. If there are reprisal attacks, it will only open up those terrorists to counterstrikes and capture.

Brought to you courtesy of the red, white and blue!
Osama Bin Laden: March 10, 1957 - May 1, 2011... Adios Motherfucker!

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