
December 10, 2010


Coincidence - the occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but seem to have some connection; also : any of these occurrences 

This is what my favorite dictionary tells me, but I much prefer to treat every coincidence as cosmic fate. For instance, as I returned home from visiting a friend yesterday, I felt a craving for a Subway sandwich. I drove to Subway unaware of the the universe's plans for my life, but I am an alert person and quick to notice the unusual. As I entered the door to the destered restaurant, a song came on the radio. Not just any song either:

Now if this song seems familiar to any of you, it's because an instrumental version is used in the Kill Bill Soundtrack during the O'Ren fight and in the Korean Western - The Good, The Bad, The Weird. Now I had listened to this song at least five times earlier that day so needless to say, I was stoked to hear it playing in Subway on the radio. By now, my mind was on the lookout for any other oddities.

I began to converse with the nice man preparing my sandwich, we talked about finals week and when I asked him what his next final was, he told me French. I told him I was taking Persian (Farsi) and that our exam had been earlier that day. He then informed me that one of his ex-girlfriends spoke Farsi, along with Portuguese and English. Big deal you say, but it was!

You see, I am currently attempting to win the affection of a girl in my Farsi class. This girl was born in Brazil and has an Iranian father. She speaks Portuguese as well as Farsi (and English). I admit that I attend a large school and that without a name I am still very much in the dark, but how many people do you know that speak Portuguese or Farsi, let alone both? You be the judge. A sign from the universe or coincidence?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i enjoyed reading this post. if you hadn't gone to visit your friend, hadn't gotten the craving for subway, hadn't followed through on that craving, hadn't gone to that particular location, etc.. who knows what would have happened that night instead and how it would have impacted or influenced you? you probably would have gone home and had an ordinary night. instead, you ended up having an experience that made you think about bigger things... and you got a sandwich out of it and a blog topic.

    interesting post! keep them coming.
