
December 10, 2010

Great Expectations


That is my favorite word in the English language, so I thought it would be a fitting way to open my very first post on my very first blog.  I love the way the word sounds and I think its one of the few "beautiful" words in English with regards to its spelling. But I am not here to talk about words. I am here to talk about what you, the reader, can expect from me in the future.

I am new to this creative medium. I have never kept a journal, nor written for other people's consumption on a regular basis. I can't precisely predict the direction this blog will take. Instead I'm going to start broad and see what flows naturally and what is better left unposted. Hopefully, given enough time, a discernible shape and purpose will be borne from my entries and then I can take this show on the road.

Also, I promise to be sincere in everything I write. Here's to the start of something new!

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